资产插件Popluate Toolset粒子工具集

艺术指导您的作品Houdini File& HDAs|爆炸设置包括在内

Art Direct Your Instances! Houdini File & HDAs | Explosion Setup included.

Art Direct Your Instances! Houdini File & HDAs | Explosion Setup included.

Thank You for Downloading the Popluate Toolset

Dear User,

Please follow the steps to install the Houdini Package for your usage请按照以下步骤安装Houdini软件包供您使用

  1. Download the attached “.zip” file.下载附件“.zip”文件。
  2. Extract the contents of the “.zip” and place it in a location of your choice for Houdini to scan on startup.提取“.zip”的内容,并将其放置在您选择的位置,以便Houdini在启动时扫描。
  3. Copy the “.json” file from the folder and place it in the $HOUDINI_PACKAGEDIR as per the Houdini Help. 从文件夹中复制“.json”文件,并按照Houdini帮助将其放置在$HOUDINI_PACKAGEKEY中 Please read the link : https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/ref/plugins.html
  1. The easiest way to location is the “$HSITE/houdini19.5/packages” location for other methods please follow the Houdini Help link.最简单的定位方法是“$HSITE/houdini19.5/packages”定位其他方法请遵循Houdini帮助链接。
    Windows : “%HOME%/houdini19.5/packages”
  2. Open the “.json” file in a text editor and change the “path:” location to the location where you have extracted the downloaded folder.在文本编辑器中打开“.json”文件,并将“path:“位置更改为您解压缩下载文件夹的位置。
  3. Note: If you are using Windows, the path must have all “\” change to either “/” or “\\”.
  1. Start Houdini
  2. Create a new geometry and press TAB, you should see a new Menu called “ChakshuVFX”.
  3. 开始胡迪尼
  4. 创建一个新的几何体,然后按Tab键,你应该会看到一个新的菜单,名为“ChakshuVFX”

Thank you for downloading our tool! To access this page anytime, please go to “Library”.



Click on “Manage” to update your subscription type anytime.

For any bugs reports, troubleshooting and feature requests, please email us at [email protected] and we will respond to you at the earliest.

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